Chapter 7 is done, manuscript word count is at 24,400, and I’m cruising right along. Lots of good tension between my MCs in this one, and I’ve now got Andy out of her old job and into her new one at The Sand Spot where she’ll be seeing Luke on a regular basis. So of course, there will plenty more juicy tension to come.
Also, since the The Sand Spot will be one of the primary locations in the book, I really wanted to mack it out. I spent some time checking out images of various surf shops, and I did a composite of my favorite features. One of which, included storing surfboards in exposed beam rafters. I saw a picture of this online and thought it was so cool. Like a big mosaic ceiling of surfboards. It also helped give the shop a sort of surreal, dreamy feel that in turn caused Andy to have this ‘you’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy’ moment. Which I loved.